七年级假期伙伴答案 -查字典数学网




小编寄语:查字典数学网小编给大家整理了七年级假期伙伴答案 ,爱学习的你答对了吗?相信大家都做得不错吧!

Paper 2

Ⅰ. 1. Mary is playing the piano wonderfully. (B)

2. It is cold in winter and sometimes it snows. (E)

3. In the booking office, we can buy the tickets. (F)

4. Jane is having her fifteen birthday party. (C)

5. Tom wants to post a letter to his pen friend. (A)

Ⅱ. 1. Can you pass me that pen (B)

2. Help yourself to some drink. (A)

3. Here are some books for you. (C)

4. Where is Miss Green (D)

5.What's the girl in red (B)

Ⅲ.1. M: Would you like to take a trip to Wuxi with me this weekend, Mary

W: I'd like to, but I am going to Nanjing with Jane this weekend. Thank you all the same, Jack.

Q: Who is going to Wuxi (B)

2. M: Your brother has got a green bicycle, hasn't he

W: No, he has got a red one. But he likes green.

Q: What colour does his brother like (C)

3. M: Excuse me, how much is the model ship

W: The red one is fifty yuan. The blue one is eighty yuan.

Q: Where does the dialogue take place (A)

4. M: What are you going to be when you grow up, Fangfang

W: I want to be a doctor. But my parents want me to be a teacher. What about you, Mingming

M: I want to be a policeman.

Q: What do Fangfang's parents want her to be (D)

5. M: What's the weather like in Shanghai these days

W: It's cool in the morning and evening but it's hot in the day.

Q: What are they talking about (C)

Ⅳ. Peter's home is very far from his school. Every day he gets up at six. He sometimes must catch the early bus. It takes him about forty-five minutes to get to the school. Sometimes he goes to school by bicycle. It takes more than an hour to get to the school. He doesn't go to school on foot. Peter wants to move into a new flat. His home is too far from his school.

1. T2. F3. F4. F5. F

Ⅴ. M: Hello, is this Dazhong Taxi service

W: Yes, who is speaking

M; This is Mr. Black. I need a taxi to the train station, please.

W: What time do you need a taxi, sir

M: My train leaves at 4:40 this afternoon, but I'd like to arrive at the station later than 3:30.How long is the ride from here

W: Where do you live

M; Oh, I live at 27 Garden Street.

W: Let me see 27 Garden Street I'd say that it would take about 30 minutes. We will pick you at 3:00, is it OK with you

M: Yes, that'll be fine. The driver will help me with my bags, won't he

W: Yes, the driver is a young man. He'll help you.

1. Black2. the train station3.3:004. 3:305.The driver

Paper 3

Ⅰ. 1. C2. D3. C4. B5. D6. D7. D8. D9. C10. A11. B12. A

Ⅱ. 1. less2. singer3. really4. asleep5. drinks

Ⅲ. 1. B2. C3. D4. A5. F

Ⅳ. 1. Doestake2. more expensive3. is he4. Why not

Paper 4

Ⅰ. 1. B2. E3. C4. A5. D

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